Apply for Leadership & Management

Apply for leadership & management training (NOT AVAILABLE)

Click the heading above to apply

  • Use the link and complete the form to apply for training.
  • Use a separate form for each course you wish to apply for.
  • Once you have applied, we will confirm your place by email and give you any further course information.
  • Please note if the course you are looking for, does not appear in the list, the course will either have already happened, be full or cancelled. New course dates are added each term.

Course flyers

Look at the training course flyer for more information and to make sure the training is right for you. The training may be delivered virtually or face to face in a venue. Some courses have multiple sessions and all must be attended in order to complete the course.

PLEASE NOTE: Our training offer to providers undertaking a review and refresh. To enable us to dedicate the time needed for this most training will be suspended for the summer term 2024. If this affects you, we will be contacting you directly to explain next steps. Our plan is to launch a new offer in September 2024.