High Needs Funding

**This page is being updated during July/August 2024**

Which children will trigger High Needs Funding?

The High Needs Funding process will apply to all eligible children attending a setting on the Suffolk List of Providers or a School Nursery Class and are in receipt of:

  • up to 15 hours early education entitlement (eligible children 9 months+)
  • up to 30 hours early education entitlement (eligible 3 & 4 year olds) 

Under the new funding arrangements, funding must follow children as near to ‘real time’ as possible, therefore it will be necessary to assess every eligible child each term in order to ensure that providers are properly funded for each pupil they have with clearly evidenced high tariff needs.

The High Needs Funding is available for children whose special educational needs are significant and complex and the support necessary to make provision for them, exceeds a nominal threshold of £2,550.00 (per annum) including the cost of the universal provision available for all children.

Please remember that High Needs Funding is a contribution, the amount is worked out by the hourly rate for the type need (complex, complex/severe or severe) multiplied by the number of hours claimed in a week, to match to early education funded hours claimed. This will give the termly total. 

How to apply for Early Years High Needs Funding (Suffolk Providers)

**New** application form Autumn Term 2024, you will need to upload you profile descriptor within the application process (Do not email this separately unless specifically requested by a member of the Early Years & Childcare service)

To complete the application you will need the following

  • Which cluster your setting falls within – check the cluster look up tool
  • Details about child, Name, DoB, your assessments of the child
  • Profile descriptor- you will need to upload this

Early Years High Funding Guidance notes

Profile descriptor – Only use one which applies to the child most significant need.

  • Descriptor A
  • Descriptor B
  • Descriptor C
  • Descriptor E
  • Descriptor F
  • Descriptor D

Please check this page each term, updates and changes to the process will appear here.

If you have any queries regarding Early Years High Needs Funding please email: [email protected]