Secure email

Our standard secure email system is called Office 365 Message Encryption (OME). Information can be found at the link below:

Sensitive emails are marked at the council end, which automatically encrypts the emails.

Recipients then need to decrypt the email, either by requesting a “one-time passcode”, or signing into a Microsoft or Google account (if they have one).

In Summary:

– Send an initial email to existing designated Suffolk County Council requesting a secure email.
– We will send you a secure OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE email which you can reply to.
– Please read the guidance and follow the instructions before sending any OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE personal data and attachments.

Early Years Mailboxes which are used for secure emails

[email protected] for individual child referrals and ‘other’ referrals.
[email protected] for Provider Portal or funded child related queries.
[email protected] for High Needs Funding & Inclusion applications and queries.
[email protected] for Brokerage enquiries.

Other Early Years mailboxes for general enquiries

[email protected] for Early Years Work Force development queries.
[email protected] for general Early Years and Childcare queries.