Tax Free Childcare

Information for Childcare providers

Sign up to Tax-Free Childcare and help your business grow

Did you know if you’re a registered childcare provider you can sign up to a childcare provider account and receive payments from parents who use Tax-Free Childcare?

The scheme helps parents to stay in work or work more hours by reducing childcare costs. This help may generate additional income for your business by increasing the need for extra hours of paid for childcare while parents are at work.

Signing up

It couldn’t be easier to sign up as a Childcare Provider with Tax Free Childcare. Once you’ve been approved by a regulator (for example Ofsted), you will receive an invitation letter. If you haven’t received your invitation letter or you have lost it, please contact the helpline on 0300 123 4097.

The invitation letter will provide you with a 11-digit user ID. With your user ID, your bank details and your business postcode (the one registered with your regulator) you can sign up: Childcare service | Enter your user ID and postcode (

Further information

There is some useful information in the resources below to help with queries and promoting TFC to parents.

Leaflet – Provider guide to Tax Free Childcare.pdf (

Slides – Childcare Providers Information and communications toolkit 2022 – Childcare provider infromation toolkit.pdf (