Early Years and Childcare Committee Information

This page is dedicated to tools and processes for voluntary managed committees and charitable incorporated organisations to use within their setting to support the strategic oversight and the development of the quality of provision.

The Early Years and Childcare Service (EYCS) is committed to supporting all childcare providers in Suffolk. We regularly visit providers to offer free information advice and guidance.

We offer support to the whole organisation, not only the staff employed in the setting. The EYCS offers free bespoke advice, guidance and information to the voluntary managed committees and charitable incorporated organisations (CIO).

All committees and CIOs can access tailored guidance and support from our early years and childcare advisory team to meet the individual organisation’s need.

Support can be given on a range of areas including:

  • Planning and developing a schedule of meetings for the year ensuring core areas of management responsibility are covered.
  • Leadership and Management – including the roles and responsibilities of the committee and individual members.
  • Safer recruitment and effective supervision and performance management of staff.
  • Delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
  • Inclusive practice.
  • Safeguarding policies and procedures.
  • Business and finance – including admissions, expansion, and sustainability concerns.
  • Budgeting and financial reporting.
  • Funded entitlements.

Support is also available from:

Charities Commission

Community Action Suffolk

Early Years Alliance


Committee Recruitment

The Early years and childcare team have developed a range of resources to help providers and new committees.

“When parents are actively involved in their children’s learning and development, children achieve more. Charitable childcare providers benefit children by closely involving parents in the day-to-day running of the provision, its funding, and its overall management”. (Early Years Alliance)                 

Below are a variety of resources to support provider and those considering joining a committee.

Recruitment Guide for Provider

Benefits of Joining a Committee Poster

Information for potential committee members

Quick Start Guide to Being a Committee Member

If you are new to a committee or planning an annual general meeting (AGM), you may find the following information and resources useful:

Committee Guide

Flowchart of Suitability Checks/OFSTED

Preparing for an Annual General Meeting

AGM Checklist

Ideas to Encourage Parents to Attend

Information to Share With Parents Before the Meeting

Trustee Role Descriptions

Trustee Code of Conduct

Benefits of Joining a Committee Poster

AGM Invitation and Agenda – example

Self-nomination and Declaration Form

Conflicts of Interests Policy

Committee Pledge

The Meeting

Model Agenda

Treasurer Report – example

Safeguarding for Committees

As a committee member you must understand your role in ensuring that arrangements for safeguarding in your setting meet the statutory requirements. You may find the SWAY below helpful to gain a better understanding of safeguarding requirements in your setting.

Quality and Performance Management for Committees

As a committee you play a vital role in ensuring all children access quality care and education. The SWAY below introduces how gathering and analysing a wide range of performance information can help you understand the settings strengths and areas for development. Along with how the information can be used to hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation.