
Sustainability is not just about finances, although it is an important element, it is vital that all aspects of a childcare business/charity are considered. Sustainability is similar to a jigsaw puzzle and to be a successful business within the current financial climate all the pieces of the jigsaw need to fit together such as effective leadership, financial planning, marketing and developing high quality provision.

The sustainability checklist enables you to consider all aspects of provision to work towards sustainability.

Sustainability checklist 

Breakeven Analysis a tool to support you to understand your breakeven point and calculate the hourly rates that cover costs and create a surplus or profit to reinvest back into the business 

Early years business sustainability: supplier list and guides

Guidance for early years providers on running a sustainable business, and a directory of suppliers of business and finance support 

If your setting is struggling financially please contact the Early years and Childcare Service by emailing [email protected]