Becoming a Childminder – Essential Training

Before you register with Ofsted or a childminder agency:

Read the information on setting up a Childminding Business in Suffolk

You must have sufficient understanding and use of English to ensure the well-being of children in your care. For example, being able to keep records in English, to liaise with other agencies in English, to summon emergency help, and to understand instructions such as those for the safety of medicines or food hygiene.

You will need to complete short training courses on the following:

Understanding and implementing the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS)

Childminders must have completed training which helps them to understand and implement the EYFS before they can register with Ofsted or a childminder agency. The Early Years & Childcare Service at Suffolk County Council offer a course that meets this criteria 1. Course dates – Suffolk Learning


Childminders must take the lead responsibility for safeguarding children themselves. The lead practitioner must attend a child protection training course which takes account of any advice from the Local Safeguarding Partnership or local authority, that enables them to identify, understand and respond appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect. The Early Years & Childcare Service at Suffolk County Council offer a course that meets this criteria 1. Course dates – Suffolk Learning

Paediatric first aid

At least one person who has a current paediatric first aid (PFA) certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present, and must accompany children on outings. The certificate must be for a full course consistent with the criteria set out in Annex A of the EYFS. Childminders, and any assistant who might be in sole charge of the children for any period of time, must hold a full current PFA. PFA training  must be renewed every three years and be relevant for workers caring for young children and where relevant, babies. Many providers in Suffolk offer this course.

To access Suffolk County Council courses you will need :

  • To access and view the training courses we offer, check course costs, dates and book individual courses go to Training & Continuing Professional Development
  • The course cost for childminders yet to be registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency can be found in the ‘Other’ column

For further information about training please email [email protected]

Go to childminding information page for further support.