Safeguarding Self-Assessment (SSA) Early Years

Suffolk County Council and the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership must ensure all providers claiming early education entitlements have completed and returned a Safeguarding Self-Assessment.

It is a requirement of the Suffolk Agreement for List of Providers (LoP) that members return a SSA each year.

Safeguarding Self-Assessment – short form for Summer Term 2024

Please complete this years shorter version of the SSA by Friday 28 June to share the key safeguarding challenges you have faced as an education setting in meeting your safeguarding duties as set out in the government’s statutory guidance:

You may find it useful as a tool to help you think about assessing and monitoring your safeguarding practice to look at the detailed longer version of the safeguarding self assessment which can be found at the link: Education & Homelearning — Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (

You may find it useful to refer to:

PLEASE NOTE: This year, we are not asking you to return the detailed longer safeguarding self-assessment. However, you must complete the short SSA which can be found at the link below.

Complete the short SSA form at the link below

SSA Short Form

Early Years Safeguarding Self-Assessment

A preview of the questions you will be asked is at the link below to help you prepare (do not send this to us, we will get your answers via the short form submission).

SSA Questions Preview

**Maintained Schools and Academy Schools please note**  if you have completed the Schools SSA you will; not need to complete this Early Years Survey. We will cross check with the schools team and be in touch if we find that it has not been completed.