Safeguarding focused visits were carried out in seven LA maintained schools during the summer term. These visits will continue in the Autumn term. The visits will include ALL schools, including academies.
To quality assure the self-assessment submissions, support schools and provide an opportunity to share good practice from the Safeguarding 157/175 audit, LA officers have carried out safeguarding focused visits in the summer term. LA officers received positive comments regarding the visits. One school leader reported that they were left feeling reassured about their safeguarding processes and appreciated the individualised
tailored approach of the visit. While another school leader welcomed the focused visit to highlight areas for improvement, and build on a collaborative approach to safeguarding with the LA.
The safeguarding focused visits will continue in the Autumn Term, this will include schools that have not submitted the audit. The Organisational Support Team will be in contact with Headteachers to arrange a convenient date and agree on the focus for the visits.