Booking is open for this term’s first online sessions for parents and carers.
- SEN Support in Schools (opens pdf flyer) – exploring the process of support in schools for pupils with special educational needs and how parents/carers are involved.
23rd January 2023 6pm – 7:30pm online session for parents/carers
- Planning the transition to secondary school for pupils with SEN (opens pdf flyer)– relaxed session which was coproduced with parents and carers to help families prepare for the transition to high school for children with additional needs.
26th January 2023 10am – 11:30am online session for parents/carers
- Comic Strip Awareness (opens pdf flyer)– relaxed session hosted by SENDIASS where specialist teachers from the Communication and Interaction service will explore how comic strip drawing can help children to understand and manage social situations at school and at home.
1st February 2023 10am – 11am online session for parents/carers