The Suffolk TA Network annual conference will take place on Monday 2nd October 2023 at Trinity Park, Ipswich. Capacity is limited to 210 and tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. There is a small, non-refundable charge to schools of £10 per staff member.
Please complete this short form to book pupil-facing support staff onto the conference.
Following receipt of this form, schools will receive an email to confirm places and then individual staff can register for the conference on Suffolk CPD. The conference is now live on Suffolk CPD and the deadline for bookings and payments is Friday 7th July.
School Staff will need to have an individual Suffolk CPD account to access the Conference.
If your school is not yet registered on Suffolk CPD, email [email protected] to receive a registration form and guidance for which staff should have live accounts.
If your school is already registered, complete the form on the Register option on the home page. Choose your school/Academy from the organisation drop down menu.
Your account will be approved in 24hrs and you will be able to enrol on training from Suffolk CPD.
Please email [email protected] for the full programme and further information.