We are delighted to announce that the School Nursing Service has secured additional funds to enable us to deliver enhanced early intervention for children and young people (C/YP) with SEND, who are aged 5 -19 years. On the May 1st 2022 the School Nursing Alternative Provision team (SNAP) was integrated into the mainstream School Nursing Service. The special schools previously supported by the SNAP team will now be supported by the School Nursing team in which they are geographically located:
West Area Team: Manager is Lindsay Eichberger – 07506683217
Central and South Suffolk Team: Manager is Luci Morton – 07860 778430
South and West Ipswich Team: Manager is Jo Leek – 07508 005549
North East Ipswich and Coastal Team: Manager is Becky Coxall – 07718 100762
Lowestoft and Waveney Team: Manager is Amber Begg – 07885 972551.
We will soon be recruiting some additional Community Staff Nurses and Healthy Child Practitioners in School Nursing to support C/YP with SEND. Meanwhile we are developing the enhanced pathway for children and young people with SEND who are 5-19 years of age, to ensure an inclusive and accessible service for all children in Suffolk, regardless of where they are educated. Further details will be shared next term.
Details about the support that we provide is available at: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/assets/Children-families-and-learning/childrens-health-and-childrens-centres/School-Nursing/School-Nursing-Information-for-Referrers-04-05-2022.pdf. The School Nursing referral form is available at: www.suffolk.gov.uk/schoolnursing. If you are unsure whether School Nursing is the appropriate service to support, please contact us to discuss on 0345 607 8866 or email [email protected].
If you have any questions about the wider SEND offer please contact Jo Leek (School Nurse Manager) at [email protected]).