Parents and carers of all 5- to 11-year-olds can now book a COVID-19 vaccination for their child. The national booking service opened for this age group on Saturday 2 April with the first appointments available from Monday 4 April onwards.
Appointments will be available in larger vaccination centres and some community pharmacies. Larger vaccination centres will also offer whole family appointments so that already eligible adults and older children who are not fully vaccinated can take advantage of the ‘evergreen’ offer and have a vaccination at the same time as their 5- to 11-year-old.
Appointments for 5- to 11-year-olds who are not ‘at risk’ will also be available at some GP-run sites. If your GP is offering the vaccine, they will contact you. Please do not contact them.
Vaccinations are already available for ‘at risk’ 5- to 11-year-olds, and children in this age group who live with someone who has a weakened immune system. Until now vaccinations for this ‘at risk’ group of children have been available through GPs and special educational needs schools but parents and carers will be now able to book their vaccination through the national booking service when that opens for 5-11s.
To book a COVID vaccination for all eligible age groups please visit the NHS national booking service or dial 119.
Local information
Please visit the Suffolk and North East Essex Vaccination Service website – which includes links to useful information and FAQs.