Sharing School Attendance Data

Please sign up to sharing your attendance information via WONDE. here

Using your DfE sign in you can then access filterable spreadsheets to support your analysis and targeted intervention work.

Below is an example of the kind of data available:

School attendance - WONDE screenshot

From September this will be done directly via CAPITA which should make the process easier to submit information.

From September the new DfE guidance will be in place with clear expectations on schools, governing bodies, trusts, local authorities and parents/carers: Working together to improve school attendance (

To manage and improve attendance effectively, all schools are expected to:

• Develop and maintain a whole school culture that promotes the benefits of high attendance.

• Have a clear school attendance policy which all staff, pupils and parents understand.

• Accurately complete admission and, with the exception of schools where all pupils are boarders, attendance registers and have effective day to day processes in place to follow-up absence.

• Regularly monitor and analyse attendance and absence data to identify pupils or cohorts that require support with their attendance and put effective strategies in place.

• Build strong relationships with families, listen to and understand barriers to attendance and work with families to remove them.

• Share information and work collaboratively with other schools in the area, local authorities, and other partners when absence is at risk of becoming persistent or severe.

Suffolk County Council are working with the Suffolk Education Partnership and the new DfE Attendance Hubs and will be providing updated information on support available to you to help improve attendance across Suffolk, including updated protocols and case studies.