This year, the focus of the transition steering group, established under the IOA, is phase specific transition. Three working groups have been established to concentrate on transition at three crucial stages: EYFS-KS1, KS2-3 and KS4-5. Please read about each of these groups below and consider joining one this year to make a real difference to the transition process in Suffolk.
EYFS-KS1 Working Group
Chairs – Amanda Goldsmith & Ben Gough – Email: [email protected] or [email protected] to be part of this group
We are looking for enthusiastic and likeminded practitioners to join our Transitions Working Group. We believe that transition should be a process, not a one-off event in the Summer term or at the beginning of the Autumn term. To meet this end and to conform with the transition charter, we would like for as many of those who work within EYFS and KS1 to join us to steer the work of the Transition forum to make decisions that will enhance the transition for all children.
KS2-3 Working Group
Chair – Maxine Abbott – Email: [email protected] to be part of this group
As part of the Ipswich Opportunity Area, we have already started to embed things such as the common transfer document, the common transfer days and schools having the opportunity to deliver different projects/initiatives. Leading on from this, we are looking to see how we can further develop our work between both Key Stages, especially with a focus on academic learning and the support we can offer for those students who are struggling with the transition process. Join the working group to collaborate and share best practice to make transition as seamless as possible.
Please note that the common transition days for KS2-3 this year are Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th June, as specified in the Transition Charter.
KS4-5 Working Group – 1st meeting – Monday 28th November at 16.00
Chair – George Chittock-Nash – Email: [email protected] to be part of this group and confirm attendance at the first meeting
This is a group that will focus on preparing students in year 11 for transition to sixth form and will therefore be suitable for year 11 Heads of Year/transition leads and sixth form/college transition leads. The group will also spend considerable time looking at the safeguarding implications of transition to create a standard transition document for schools and colleges in Suffolk to sign up to, in order to protect young people and adhere to KCSIE guidelines. As a result, it would also be very useful to have safeguarding leads/DSLs present.