The White Paper, Opportunities for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child sets out changes about the length for the school week. The minimum expectation for all mainstream state-funded schools is that the school week will be 32.5 hours by September 2023, at the latest.
Any changes to the start and finish times of the school day may impact on Suffolk County Council’s School Travel Service. For example, changing the time of the school day even by minutes could lead to route changes, more vehicles on our roads and a rise in school travel costs. We would like to avoid this where possible given the current pressures on public transport services.
We would welcome an opportunity to collaborate with you to support your school community and to minimise any disruption to the School Travel Service.
Could you please complete the following survey by Friday 1 July 2022 as this will give us valuable information on how many schools will be increasing the length for their school week and where they are located.
Survey link:
Changes to the length for the School Week: Survey for all mainstream state-funded schools