Suffolk and North East Essex ICB are fully funding primary schools in the Ipswich and East and West Suffolk areas to implement a social and emotional learning programme. The PATHS® Programme for Schools (UK version) is a highly evidenced programme which covers the five domains of social and emotional learning: self-control, emotional understanding, self-esteem, relationships and inter-personal social skills.
Schools who participate in the PATHS® Programme will receive the three levels of support provided by Barnardo’s:
Barnardo’s PATHS® Programme provision consists of three elements:
PATHS® Programme Lessons and Materials (books, materials, interactive resources etc.) are available for pre-school settings, and each year group within the Primary School. Lessons/sessions are delivered daily in pre-schools, and twice a week in every classroom by the class teacher, and supported by the Barnardo’s coach.
Training is provided by an accredited trainer who is affiliated with programme developers SEL Worldwide.
Coaching Support can be provided by a trained coach who will not only support the successful delivery of the PATHS® Programme, but also work with pre-school / school staff over an extended period to ensure the whole-school generalisation of programme concepts through additional support. By working in schools over a two-year (pre-school) or four-year (schools) period Barnardo’s can ensure that there is a consistent whole-school approach to programme delivery, and we work with settings to ensure the programme is supported across the whole school day, the playground, and extended into home and community.
We have limited spaces open to primary schools within the Ipswich and East and West Suffolk funded areas. Please take a look at the webinar link here.
There is also an information pack to download. Please contact us to secure your place for September 2022.
[email protected]
[email protected]
PATHS Works Evidence and Research