Maintained Schools Site Security and Safeguarding mandatory survey – reminder

Thank you to those schools who have already responded to the mandatory Site Security and Safeguarding survey. This is a reminder to all Headteachers of SCC maintained schools to complete this survey – the deadline is Friday 16 February.

Please find as follows a copy of the email sent to all LA maintained schools’ Headteachers on Monday 29 January 2024:

Following on from recent learning taken from the Child Death Overview Panel, the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership has recommended that the Local Authority collects information around site / premises security in Suffolk schools.

SCC’s Schools’ Infrastructure, Education Organisational Support, and Safety, Health and Wellbeing are conducting this jointly. This mandatory survey will take around ten minutes to complete.  We are requesting that Headteachers complete the survey as we feel that this is the best way to determine any site challenges that schools have.

On completion of the survey, you will also be asked to send your premises / site security risk assessments to [email protected] . All queries regarding the survey should also be sent to the same email address.

Please complete the survey by Friday 16 February 2024, via this link: you very much for participating.