Suffolk County Council (SCC), as part of their Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programme, are offering to partially fund any Suffolk Primary school to purchase a year’s licence to use the Infant Language Link or Junior Language Link package. These packages are available from Speech and Language Link, for any Primary school starting their new licence at any point from Autumn term 2024 – Summer term 25. In addition to part-funding, the DBV Programme team will offer schools a package of support to help successful implementation.
Speech and Language Link is an award-winning package designed to identify difficulties understanding language and provide timely targeted intervention, as part of a whole school approach. It allows schools to track and support children’s language skills, so no one is missed, or misidentified. It provides all the teaching materials for schools to run effective small group targeted intervention groups, with specialist telephone support and staff training. It makes identifying children for Speech and Language referrals simple and is well supported by NHS colleagues.
The cost of a one-year licence is normally £450 (including VAT). Depending on demand, SCC can contribute £200-300, reducing the price for a Primary school to £150-£250 for the year. Cheaper rates are available for ‘Small Schools’ i.e. those with fewer than 100 pupils.
If you do not have Speech and Language Link in your Primary school, but are keen to find out more and to see if you may wish to implement in your school, please attend an online presentation on Tuesday 25 June 3.30-4.30pm. Please email [email protected] to be sent an invite.
If you already subscribe to either Infant Language Link, Junior Language Link or both packages, please attend an online discussion on Tuesday 2 July 3.30-4pm. You can find out how you can also benefit from the additional SCC funding, learn more about other benefits you may not be aware of within your subscription and our new proposed Communications Champions network. Please email [email protected] for an invite with title: EXISTING SPEECHLINK USER.