The Suffolk Protocol on the Use of Part-Time Timetables Including the Requirement of a Risk Assessment outlines the safest practice in relation to part-time timetables.
Please use the Part-time timetable collection form to notify us about any pupils on a part-time timetable.
Good attendance at school is widely recognised as one of the most effective protective factors for children and young people. Placing any young person on a part-time timetable brings about additional risks and is only ever considered under exceptional circumstances and only once every other alternative option has been explored. Guidance is clear that part-time timetables are not to be used as a strategy for behaviour management and, on the rare occasion that they are in place, the following should apply:
- They are used for a temporary period and regularly reviewed
- Effective risk-assessment ensures that their use is as safe a possible
- There is evidenced parental consent
- Strategies and support is in place to support the reengagement to a full-time offer as soon as is possible
As a means of improving the county’s safeguarding arrangements we are formalising the way that SCC gathers information for any children placed on a part-time timetable. It is important to notify us about all pupils but particularly for learners with an Education Health Care Plan or children who have a Social Worker.
At the beginning of each half term please can you provide details of all pupils on your school roll who haveĀ a part-time timetable by completing this form. Please include any pupils you have previously made submissions for, or it will be assumed that they now have a full-time offer.
This includes any pupil who does not receive the same hours of provision that is typical for your setting. However, you do not need to complete this for any pupils who receive a full-time offer that is made up of a combination of on-site and off-site provision. For example, you would not complete this for a pupil who attended three full days at your setting and two full days at an alternative provision each week. They would be considered to have a full-time offer.
If any child or young person is placed on a part-time timetable during the half-term, please return to this form to add them as soon as quickly as possible.