Please see below a reminder of the offer from Specialist Education Services (SES).
- The SENCo Support line continues to be available to you during term time: 01473 296631: The line is available every day between 3.30pm and 4.30pm to support with general questions and queries. We are here to help.
- Inclusion Support Meetings (ISMs) are available via Teams on Monday afternoons, Thursday mornings, as well as alternate Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings for the Cognition and Learning Service. To request a 20 minute slot with a Specialist Teacher from the relevant specialist service, including the Whole School Inclusion Service please use this link and complete the online form:
- SEND Support Consultations or Solution Circles are available by emailing [email protected] These are multi-professional virtual meetings designed to support early intervention. Various dates are available but do book early as they fill up quickly. We are seeking to increase the dates available.
- SES referrals (core offer): Referrals should continue to be requested via Inclusion Referral Form. The link to the Inclusion Referral Form and any relevant appendices can be found here: Specialist Education Services (SES) | Community Directory (
Please remember that you may be offered a ‘consultation’ approach following a referral for our core offer – an opportunity to work with a Specialist Teacher at a single visit – to talk through the referral and to seek some advice and guidance based on the information provided in the Inclusion Referral Form and the presenting needs. This may include an observation or additional assessment of a learner’s needs. We hope this will further add to the existing core offer from our services and help inform the level of intervention required.
Please also remember that SES support is available to all pupils with SEND at your school. Support is not dependent on having an EHCP, a diagnosis or a permanent exclusion.
- The traded offer from across SES, including Joint Planning Meetings with the Psychology and Therapeutic Services (P&TS) is available via Schools Choice.
Please search for SES to find options available. If you have any questions please email Izzy Connell or Sally Blackman.
We thank you for all your joint working with us. If you would like to join our SENCo Forum and receive details of our regular CPD programme, including for new SENCos, please email [email protected].