Unity Teaching School Hub is the the designated Teaching School Hub for schools in West, Mid and East Suffolk (S), Babergh and Ipswich. We are a collaborative organisation, harnessing the valued contributions of trusted partners. We commit to providing all schools in the area excellence in professional learning to grow and nurture great teachers and leaders, ensuring every pupil, regardless of their background experiences a great education.
Our Appropriate Body service serves schools across the area and our three DfE accredited programmes provide high quality teacher and leader development for colleagues in schools:
- Early Career Teacher Programme: delivered in partnership with Ambition Institute
- National Professional Qualifications (NPQs): delivered in partnership with the Teacher Development Trust and National Institute of Teaching (and Angles Maths Hub)
- Initial Teacher Training: delivered in partnership with CTSN
Alongside this, we support the work of school centred initial teacher training within the schools of our area, working closely with designated SCITTs to promote and coordinate initial teacher training.
Our wider evidence-informed professional learning programmes draw on expertise from within and beyond our area, neighbouring Teaching School Hubs and nationally recognised organisations.
Visit the Unity Teaching School Hub website.
Appropriate Body Service: Celia Moore ([email protected])
Early Career Teacher Programme: Jo Francis ([email protected])
National Professional Qualifications: Helen Main ([email protected])
Wider professional learning (CPD): Jo Edwards ([email protected])
Partnership development: Andy Samways ([email protected])