The Angles Maths Hub offers free and funded training opportunities for Maths teachers in state schools across Norfolk and Suffolk. Training runs for the full academic year and is led by NCETM trained specialists.
For 2021/22, we have a variety of programmes available:
At Primary, mastery programmes support development of maths throughout the school; Development and Embedding are funded programmes for schools. Mastering Number is a Covid Recovery programme, specifically for Early Years and Key Stage 1. Contact [email protected] for primary support.
At Secondary, individual teachers are supported through Mathematical Thinking, Use of Representations and Year 5 to 8 Continuity. Cohesive teaching approaches can be developed across Maths departments through our mastery programmes; Developing and Embedding Mastery are funded for schools. Contact [email protected] for secondary support.
At Post-16, teachers of Core Maths, A Level Maths and GCSE Re-sit can develop their practice through support on our Work Groups. Contact [email protected] for post-16 support.
In addition, across all phases we offer training for teachers and teaching assistants to support the development of Subject Knowledge. We have specific programmes for Early Career teachers and non-specialist teachers.
Visit our website for full details or contact [email protected]