Our team of Universal Education Facilitators provide evidence-based drug and alcohol education to children and young people across Suffolk. Our educational programme is designed to complement the Schools drug and alcohol curriculum.
Our free Universal Programme will take place through:
Assemblies (available now)
Currently for secondary schools (aimed at key stage 3), this focuses on the risks and harms that are associated with drugs and alcohol and helps young people increase their confidence in making safer and healthier decisions.
Smaller Classroom Workshops (starting in June 2022)
Currently for secondary schools, these will focus on the various drug related harms arising from legal and illegal substance use and misuse in the context of specific factors (drug, person and place) in escalating risk. Each workshop will include a suite of activities and interactive discussions to help young people make healthier and safer decisions in the context of the risks that life presents:
The workshop on the person will focus on peer pressure, mental health and resilience in the context of drug and alcohol use.
Staff Training Workshop and Support (starting in April 2022)
To promote awareness and confidence to communicate with pupils about alcohol and drugs especially if there was a concern that a young person may be at risk of being impacted by substance misuse. Promote greater awareness of referral pathways.
Future Plan:
Parents and Carers Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workshop
These will focus on raising confidence for parents to have conversations with their children about the risks associated with drugs and alcohol and how to access support.
If you would like to know more or speak with one of our Facilitators, please contact either Stephanie Cook or Zoe Cobb about our free service:
Stephanie Cook
Tel: 07773003987
Email: [email protected]
Zoe Cobb
Tel: 07773659497
Email: [email protected]