Suffolk SENDIASS provides impartial and confidential information, advice and support to children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers.
Preparing for the transition to primary school
Preparing for Transition to Primary School Webinar (opens PDF flyer)
Booking is open for our online session Preparing for Transition to Primary School. Parents and carers helped coproduce this session which will be supported by a member of the Early Years and Childcare team. We will explore what kind of information is helpful to find out from and share with school, ideas to help prepare for the start of term and considerations for children with SEND.
Anyone who registers will have access to a pre-recording of the session to watch on demand and linked resources.
13th June 2022 10am – 11:30am
Parent and carer coproduction sessions on information regarding mental capacity
Parent and carer coproduction sessions on information regarding mental capacity (opens pdf)
The Suffolk Parent Carer Forum have shared with us that parents and carers would like to have more information about mental capacity regarding decisions for young people with SEND. We want the training and information we put together to be coproduced with families, so that it matches what you want to find out and is in a form which is easiest for you to access.
We are therefore offering three coproduction sessions (two online and one face-to-face) so you can tell us what will build your understanding. You are welcome to join for a short while to share your thoughts, or you can stay for the whole session. Practitioners who work with families are welcome too.
6th June 2022, 10am – 11am
Click here to register for the morning online session
6th June 2022, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Click here to register for the evening online session
15th June 2022, 1pm – 2:30pm
Red Gables, Stowmarket, IP14 1BE
Click here to register for the face-to-face session
Get involved 💬
Would you like to support the development of the SENDIAS service?
Our advisory group meets once a term, and the next meeting is:
Tuesday 14th June 10.00am to 12.00 noon (via Teams).
We really want to expand our group wider and involve staff from schools and settings across Suffolk.
If you would like to join us, please register your interest by email to: [email protected]