DfE message re Early Career Teacher entitlements

The DfE has received reports that not all Early Career Teachers and their mentors are receiving sufficient time off timetable as per the statutory guidance. They have asked that all schools are made aware of the following important message.

Message from the DfE

As we approach the next academic year, which will be the first time two cohorts of first and second year ECTs will be in the system together, the Department for Education has asked appropriate bodies to remind schools about the importance of ensuring that timetabling for next academic year includes sufficient time off timetable as per the Statutory Induction Guidance. This includes ensuring that:

  • ECTs have 10% in year 1 and 5% in year 2; and that
  • Mentors have sufficient time to carry out their role effectively – both to:
    • undertake mentor training (for those on funded training programmes); and
    • plan and hold mentor sessions with their ECT(s)
  • Mentoring sessions would normally be expected to be during normal teaching hours

The department has asked appropriate bodies to prioritise checking that in all schools, all ECTs and their mentors are receiving their full entitlements and support.

The induction tutor must also receive sufficient time to undertake their statutory duties.

Suffolk Appropriate Body will check this at registration, using the initial statutory checklist once registered, and during visits to school.

Contact Suffolk ECT and Appropriate Body Officer should you have any questions.
