Thank you for submitting your Safeguarding S175/157 self assessment audits. The Organisational Support Team are in the process of reviewing the audits to identify the areas of strength and areas for development locally and in a wider context. The information gathered will be used to inform our support for schools.
To support this, and to support leaders in their schools with this important work, alongside our statutory responsibility for safeguarding children and young people in Suffolk, we are piloting focused safeguarding visits this term and the Autumn term in LA maintained schools.
The visits will focus on specific areas that will be discussed with school leaders prior to the visit. The LA officers who will work with the school, will be determined by the focus area of the visit. This will be an opportunity for us to moderate the audits and fully embed the findings from the analysis of the audit.
If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the Organisational Support Team