The ‘School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document 2022’ School teachers’ pay and conditions document 2022 and guidance on school teachers’ pay and conditions ( and ‘Implementing your school’s approach to pay’ – October 2022 Implementing your school’s approach to pay: October 2022 ( gives clear guidance outlining that teachers are entitled to be able to apply to go through the Upper Pay Range. Excerpts from the documents are below:
- Qualified teachers may apply to be paid on the upper pay range at least once a year in line with their school’s pay policy. Page 22, School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2022
- It is the responsibility of the teacher to decide whether they wish to apply to be paid on the upper pay range. P22, Implementing your school’s approach to pay – October 2022
This statutory guidance means that the Upper Pay Range cannot be removed from the school’s pay policy.