The Local Authority Education Skills and Learning team are working with school leaders to extend professional development opportunities for current and aspiring leaders in Suffolk schools.
The existing range of opportunities currently available to leaders in maintained schools includes:
- Interim senior leadership opportunities
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Headteacher network meetings
- New Headteacher Induction
A new addition to our leadership professional development will be a range of bitesize sessions for current headteachers, deputy headteachers and anyone aspiring to a senior leadership role. These will be held half termly, led by LA officers and school leaders. The content of these sessions will be based on current issues in education. The first session will focus on managing school’s budgets alongside the financial challenges schools are facing. This will be held on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 14 February 2024, from 8.00 – 9.00 a.m.
The cost of a session is £90 an hour, which will be fully funded for LA maintained schools.