In the Spring edition (no.179) of the CLEAPSS Bulletin which schools and academies will have received, is an important article regarding the changes to Radiation Protection Supervisor work. This will affect most, if not all High Schools and Academies in Suffolk. Changes include the disposal of old expansion cloud chambers, and more scrutiny over other sealed radium sources. There are also amendments to refresher training, record keeping and contingency planning. Please ensure you read this article for further details.
There is also a new procedure for registering with the HSE if you are a school/academy employer. This will directly affect Trusts’ responsibilities for ensuring that the HSE are aware of sources on site. This again is detailed in the article in the bulletin. LA schools are covered by the work that the LA Radiation Protection Officers currently carry out and so do not need to take action for the foreseeable future.
It is especially important that all relevant staff are aware of these new duties since the HSE and the LA are actively carrying out audits this term.
LA high schools should seek their Radiation Protection Officers’ advice if it is needed (Nina Bickerton/Martin Fisher) and Trusts should request further advice from either their direct Radiation Protection Advisor or their Head of Science.