A school fixed penalty notice (FPN) can be requested by any Suffolk school. This request needs to be made through our portal.
To request a portal account please email [email protected] giving
- Full name of the required account holder
- The school the account is for
- Account folders ‘named’ school email address
If the new account is due to a change in staff member, please provide full name of the person who has left the post so that their account can be closed, this will protect against potential data protection breaches.
Unpaid FPN ATP form – Please remember to upload an up to date registration certificate if you are requesting consideration for legal action.
The updated FPN Portal is now live
The changes required for the national framework for school fixed penalty notice have now been implemented in the portal and the ‘Create New FPN’ button is active.
If you already have an active account, you will be able to access the portal as before. If you have not accessed the portal before you will need to request one as detailed above.
There have been some changes to the questioning in the portal therefore before you request an FPN you may wish to read through the Portal user guide which details these changes.