Free Information Session: Poverty Proofing the School Day – reminder

You may have read last week that Suffolk County Council is working with a charity to poverty proof schools across the county. 

Children North East devised a ground breaking national programme called Poverty Proofing the School Day which seeks to ensure that ‘no activity or planned activity in school should identify, exclude, treat differently or make assumptions about those with less financial resource’.

The Council secured an initial pilot with the Children North East to support seven schools (both Primary and Secondary) with this programme and still encourages interested schools to get in touch to find out more.

Two information sessions lasting 30 minutes are available. Schools can choose to attend at 4pm on Monday 26 September, or Tuesday 27 September. Several schools booked onto the information sessions last week – but there is still time and sufficient space to book yourself a place. This is aimed at Head Teachers and Deputy Headteachers, inclusion and attendance managers within schools – as well as Quality Standards and Excellence Officers who support schools.

Please contact Jo Belfield at [email protected] to book or to have a copy of a helpful report which demonstrates the project with examples of success.

More information about can be found in this animation Children North East’s Poverty Proofing© Process – YouTube and impacts of the work is highlighted in this Newcastle University evaluation: Poverty Proofing the School Day: Evaluation and development report. ( The deadline to book your session is still Friday 16th September 2022.