The Suffolk Education Partnership (SEP) is an innovative and exciting opportunity for all schools and colleges in Suffolk, whether LA maintained or academised, to work together to remove key barriers to ultimately improve the life chances and outcomes of all Suffolk learners. We would like your support and involvement in the work of SEP.
The coming together of MAT leaders with LA Officers and LA maintained school headteachers is a ground-breaking approach which demonstrates the commitment and resolve of education leaders to work collaboratively to tackle the barriers facing Suffolk schools. Our priority areas are associated SEND, Behaviour/Attendance and Safeguarding.
Currently SEP represents over 75% of all school and college learners, including all LA schools and over two thirds of Multi Academy Trusts, as indicated by the signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding.
As leaders of schools, you are champions for education in Suffolk and therefore we would like your support and involvement in the work of SEP. The Safeguarding Task Group has already met and shortly we will be sending a survey to gather your thoughts about the strengths and weaknesses of Safeguarding support and practice in Suffolk.
On Tuesday 6th February at 10am the Behaviour and Attendance Task Group will meet. You are invited to join the meeting via a virtual link. Please contact Bill Holledge, Chair, [email protected] to request the link.
On Monday 27th February at 9:30am the SEND Task Group will meet. You are invited to join the meeting via a virtual link. Please contact Daniel Jones, Chair, [email protected] to request the link.
We will update you via Suffolk Headlines with the work of the Suffolk Education Partnership and if you would any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.