Suffolk County Council (SCC), as part of their Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programme, are offering to partially fund any Suffolk Primary school to purchase a year’s licence to use an Emotional Wellbeing package called Hamish and Milo, for any Primary school starting a new subscription at any point from Autumn term 2024 – Summer term 2025. In addition to part-funding, the DBV Programme team will offer participating schools a package of support to help successful implementation.
Hamish and Milo is an award-winning package which provides schools with an Emotional Curriculum to successfully run small-group interventions proven to improve children’s emotional wellbeing. It includes 10 different packages (for example supporting Transition, managing anger, helping to reduce anxiety etc.) with 100 activity plans that an adult can deliver with minimal preparation, once a week for 40 minutes for 10 weeks. It includes staff training online, assessments to identify your pupils’ needs, a database to track progress, parent/carer booklets, physical resources, weekly online drop-in support, and half termly Supervision. More information on the package can be found at: Hamish and Milo – Wellbeing Resources.
If you are keen to find out more and to see if you may wish to introduce in your school, please attend a no-obligation online presentation on one of the following dates:
- 11 July 1-2pm
- 16 July 3.30-4.30pm
- 10 September 3.30-4.30pm
- 13 September 1-2pm
Please email [email protected] SUBJECT: HAMISH&MILO indicating which date you wish to attend to receive a Teams invitation.