Tickets are now available for the Suffolk TA Network annual face-to-face TA conference on Monday 2nd October 2023 at Trinity Park, Ipswich. The conference will focus on communication & interaction needs, and supporting children and young people with a diagnosis or traits of autism. We are thrilled to be working in collaboration with the Suffolk County Council C&I Service.
The conference will run from 9.00-15.00 and will open with a keynote speech by Dr Ivana Lessner Listiakova. This will be followed by a series of C&I themed workshops delivered by a range of specialist guest speakers. Refreshments and lunch will be provided to all delegates.
Due to the size of the venue, we will be limiting the capacity of the conference to 210 and tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. There is a small, non-refundable charge to schools of £10 per TA to contribute towards the cost of the conference.
Please complete this short form to book TAs onto the conference.
Following receipt of this form, schools will receive an email to confirm places, explain how to make payment and allow individual TAs/LSAs/HLTAs to sign-up for workshops.
Please email [email protected] for the full programme and further information.