Based within Constantine House, Audit Services is primarily a statutory service which, through a risk based programme of work, gives independent and objective opinions on the control environment for Suffolk County Council. Controls reviewed encompass financial systems, corporate governance arrangements, risk management and performance measurement.
Establishment Audits are also undertaken and this includes the coverage of schools and a variety of other services provided by Children and Young People.
Audit Services are vital to ensuring the County Council maintains its excellent reputation and protects all customers, staff and councillors. We work with the Audit Committee, to give everyone a better understanding of the work that we do, and ensure we give assurance on systems and processes within the County Council.
We hope that you find the information within these pages useful and if you require any further information, please contact members of the Audit Services’ Team on the contact details below:
Peter Frost (Head of Audit Services)
Telephone: 01473 264247
Email: [email protected]
Richard Hart (Principal Auditor)
Telephone: 01473 264254
Email: [email protected]
General Enquiries
Email: [email protected]
Secure Enquiries
Email: [email protected]
Information about the work and role of Audit Services is also available on the SCC website;
Audit services | Suffolk County Council