What is Report Remove? It is a tool for under 18s to report nude or sexual images or videos of themselves that have been shared online, to see if they can be removed from the internet. Report Remove has been developed by the NSPCC and the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF). The IWF is a UK charity that aims to minimise the online availability of images that meet the legal definition of child sexual abuse material.
Why is it needed? There are many reasons why young people may share nude images, and the sharing of them among young people has become the perceived norm. But when a young person loses control of that Report Remove is there to help. Childline also provides counselling for the young person through the process.
A video explaining the process and posters for professionals and young people to advertise the service can be found at: Supporting young people to report nude images: Supporting young people to report nude images: Report Remove | NSPCC Learning
Report Remove Poster ENG Secondary
Report Remove information for professionals