Deadline approaches to opt-in for Suffolk County Council Funded School Travel

The deadline for parents to opt in for SCC funded school travel for the 2024/2025 school year is 31 May 2024. If their child is eligible, parents must opt-in by this date to ensure that school transport is in place for the start of the Autumn term.

We ask schools to help us make sure parents are aware of the SCC funded school travel policy and what this means for their child or children. We also ask schools to help us ensure parents opt-in for SCC funded travel.

We have prepared some information which helps to explain the School Travel Policy and to help you communicate this information with parents.

Please find linked below:

  1. Schools guide to SCC funded school travel policy 2024
  2. Message to parents
  3. Poster
  4. Social Media Graphic

What you can do to help:

  1. Share the parent message with parents at your schools via parent mail etc.
  2. Put the parent message on your website.
  3. Use social media to share message with parents.
  4. Twitter/X: Retweet @Suffolkcc’s messages relating SCC funded school travel.
  5. Facebook: Share Suffolk County Council’s messages relating to SCC funded school travel.
  6. Put up posters.
  7. Share parent message in any newsletters or publications.

Thank you in advance for your help. Further information can also be found at: Suffolk On Board | School Travel ( 

Alternatively you can call the passenger transport team on 0345 606 6173 or email them at [email protected].