This year’s Safeguarding 175/157 self-assessment will go live on Tuesday 23 April 2024.
The deadline for completion is Tuesday 14 May 2024.
Last year, we received 100% returns from all Suffolk schools including independents and academies. Thank you for your commitment to meeting this statutory responsibility and contributing to important work around safeguarding.
Rather than a Trust-wide response we would ask that each school within a Trust complete their own self-assessment, to allow for each school to review their safeguarding processes and procedures effectively. While some processes may be the same within a Trust such as policies, there will be many differences.
Please be reminded that completion of the 175/157 safeguarding self-assessment is mandatory for every school regardless of status.
We have continued to take feedback from schools to improve the delivery of this self-assessment. This year, the survey will be held on an online platform which holds a ‘save as you go’ function. Multiple choice answers have been incorporated for the majority of questions which we hope reduces the time spent completing the survey. This will also allow us to effectively analyse data to inform us, and the Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, on current trends across Suffolk.
The link to complete the survey will be featured in next week’s Suffolk Headlines and on the Suffolk Learning website.