A new series of animated videos from CARA and ICENA to support professionals working with children and young people to understand the impacts of sexual violence. The animations, Understanding Young People’s Experiences of Sexual Harm: Supporting Students were created in collaboration with young survivors in Essex.
There are five 90 second animations available for use. They cover the following topics:
- “They just fob it off.” Preventing Sexual Harm in Schools
- “It’s all about paperwork and box ticking.” Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
- “I felt like a burden.” Providing Support After Sexual Violence
- “I lost all my friends.” The Impact of Sexual Violence on Peer Groups
- From Disclosure to Closure: Supporting Young Survivors Throughout Their Journey
In addition, a set of supporting resources is available for Designated Safeguarding Leads and Senior Leaders to use for continuing professional development sessions with all staff.
The resources are:
- Understanding Young People’s Experiences of Sexual Harm PowerPoint and Facilitator’s Guide for use in training, which guides participants through the main points of each animation and asks them to consider their own role in supporting young survivors of sexual violence
- Understanding Young People’s Experiences of Sexual Harm handout which gives an overview of the animations’ content and provides links to each animation
- Student Experience Scenarios, available as a powerpoint or a handout, which summarise the student experiences presented in each of the animations.